Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Plan Of Salvation

I've always loved the Plan of Salvation for the fact that it's so plain and straightforward. It's just not possible to misunderstand it. It's a wonderful and well thought out plan, and it's a shame more people haven't had an opportunity to learn about it, especially those in their youth who seem to be spoonfed the strangest ideas and philosophies from a number of various sources.

There is a growing opinion in America (and perhaps in other places) that freedom means we are free to do just whatever we want. I emphatically deny this. We are not free to do just whatever we want. We are free to do what we OUGHT! Liberty is not lisence. Our Savior did not suffer in Gethsemane, he did not die on the cross just so we can do "whatever we want".

Doing "whatever we want" leads to anarchy and chaos. That was certainly not the Lords plan. Nor was it His plan that we should be controlled and dominated over. Both lead to slavery of one sort or another. Anarchy leads to the slavery of unbridled sin and transgression of the law. Domination leads to the slavery of zero growth and development.

For anyone out there who has perhaps never heard the Plan of Salvation, I'd like to share it with you.

The scriptures quoted in this blog are taken from the King James Version of the Bible and the Book of Abraham. (Note: The Book of Abraham is not found in the Bible. This is a translation of another ancient record which was found by an archeologist during the early 1800's while conducting a dig in Egypt. Even though it is not contained in the records made available by King James, it's contents are of great worth in clarifying the King James translation of those events.)

On a particular talk show one day, the host of the program made a comment that "It's all about freedom". Indeed, he couldn't be more correct. From the very beginning it's always been about freedom.

Before we came to this earth, we all lived in our pre-earth life with our Heavenly Father. Even though we were very happy with Him, we were at that time only spirit beings. We had no physical body and were therefore limited in our capacity to understand the challenges of a mortal existence. We had no understanding of what it meant to be ill or well, to feel the warmth of the sun on our faces or the refreshing coolness of a spring rain.

Gaining a mortal body would allow us to experience all these things. Not only that, but we would also gain the opportunity to progress on to immortality. Heavenly Father wanted us to have greater opportunities for growth, therefore He devised a plan whereby we could grow and progress. He gathered us all together in council and presented His plan.

God always has a plan for everything. He never does anything off the cuff. An earth would be created and we would be given the chance to come to it and live for a time in a state of mortality. Our time here would allow us to comprehend things we never had before, both good and bad. Of course, Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, but he will not shelter us from pain. His intention is that, as the scripture tells us, "all these things will give (us) experience".

Coming to earth would also mean we would be separated from our Heavenly Father for a time. Our memories of this pre-mortal existance would be blocked. This may at first seem an odd condition for gaining a mortal body, but Heavenly Father in all His wisdom knew it would actually do us great good. What is freedom without choice?

Our agency was the most important part of the Plan. It would put to the ultimate test something we had never in our pre-earth life doubted - our love for our Heavenly Father.

God promised that He would do everything in His power to help us. He would provide us with His law. He would send it forth upon the earth via angels, prophets and even by His own mouth from time to time. We would be given our agency to choose whether to believe His word - or not. Accepting His words and learning to live by them would bring opportunity for further light and knowledge, even the blessing of one day achieving immortality and inheriting His very kingdom. Brigham Young taught, "As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become."

It's probably very obvious to the reader at this point that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This remark made by President Brigham Young is one for which we as a church have received a great deal of criticism. I have heard it said by critics that this is a blasphemous doctrine - that we can become as God. Not so at all. It's never blasphemy for God to bestow a blessing. To teach, perhaps, that man is capable of achieving heaven on his own without any help from God - this would be blasphemy. We have never claimed to be equal with God, but God has said that he desires to bless His faithful children and who are we to argue with Him. He is the one who desires to bless the righteous with an inheritance in His kingdom. He is the one who desires to bless them with immortality and eternal life.

Transgression of the law was yet another issue that would have to be dealt with, and would bring about consequences of another nature. We would be cut off from His presence and would have no opportunity to inherit His kingdom at all. This was indeed a great risk. Since no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God, all it would take is for us to break the law just one time and we would be eternally cut off from the presence of our Heavenly Father!

Why is there such a strong focus on this issue of keeping the law? Because God's kingdom is governed by law, and the laws of His kingdom pertain to much more than personal behavior. They pertain to governing the very stars and planets in the universe. They are the means by which these things are and were created. The power and authority of the priesthood he holds is in perfect harmony with these things. The peace and tranquility of all things hinges upon these laws. Only someone who willingly lives by them would be prepared to inherit a kingdom governed by them. God also understands that it's so much easier to govern a kingdom where citizens keep the law, not because they are compelled to, but because they WANT to. Indeed, it's all about freedom, and about the choices we make with it. But no matter what we choose, it's important to Heavenly Father that it be OUR choice.

It's not at all a harsh punishment of transgression to lose our opportunity to inherit the Kingdom of God. It's about trust, too. Would your boss at work leave you in charge of the business if he knew he couldn't depend on you to run it well? Or would anyone place the company finances in your care if they knew you'd previously embezzelled funds?

But God is not without mercy and blessed be His great name for it! Knowing that perfection requires practice, His plan also included a mediator, someone who could make it possible for us to repent when temptation got the best of us. An atonement would have to be made.

Someone would be selected to be our advocate with Him. It would require a great sacrifice. This person would be required to come to this earth and live a perfect life. Oh, he wouldn't be left entirely on his own. There was too much hanging in the balance to do anything so careless. The salvation of the souls of all mankind would depend upon his being able to fulfill this calling and endure to the end. Heavenly Father would take upon Himself the responsibility to be with him, to teach him, guide him in all that he needed to do and say. There would be times when he would be left to make his own choices. This was imperitive. If everyone else had to do it, he would have to do it also, but Heavenly Father would make sure he had all necessary knowledge and understanding to give him the strength to choose the right!

To quote the words of Abraham, "Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;...And there stood one among them that was like unto God, and he said unto those who were with him: We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell; And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;...And the Lord said: Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me. And another answered and said: Here am I, send me. And the Lord said: I will send the first. And the second was angry and kept not his first estate; and, at that day many followed after him". (See Abraham 3:22-28)

Christ offered himself to be this mediator, to make this atonement. Atonement means "at one". Through the atonement of Christ and our sincere repentance, we can be "at one" again with our Heavenly Father and return to His presence. Christ was willing to endure whatever things the Father asked of him and desired that the glory of our salvation belong not to him, but to the Father, forever and ever.

But what of the "other" who "answered and said: Here am I, send me"? Who was the "second" who was rejected, became angry and "kept not his first estate"?

It is a shock for many people to learn that Lucifer was present in this great council in heaven as well. Contrary to popular belief, Lucifer was not always the evil being he is now. In the book of Isaiah we learn that he was once a "son of the morning", meaning that he dwelt with God (just like the rest of us did) and possessed great intelligence and knowledge. (See Isaiah 12:12-14, which will also be directly quoted later in this blog.) Lucifer had plans of his own regarding the salvation of mankind and he presented these ideas at this same council meeting in heaven. To wit - We would all come to this earth and be compelled to be good. That way not one soul would be lost. We could all return to the presence of our Heavenly Father, but the glory should not belong to the Father. Lucifer wanted all the glory for himself.

Heavenly Father rejected this plan. If Lucifer's ideas were put into effect, the whole purpose of our coming to this earth would be defeated. We would never learn to choose good and right for ourselves and Heaven itself would be reduced to nothing more than a comfortable prison. What happiness could there be in inheriting a kingdom where compulsion dominated expression of the soul?

Consistent with His nature, Heavenly Father also offered us the choice of accepting or rejecting the plan sustained by Jesus Christ. He had no desire to force our minds in any way. We CHOSE to uphold the plan of God.

Lucifer was not to be defeated so easily. He went about attempting to persuade the hosts of Heaven to follow him. Somehow Heavenly Father had to be convinced that Lucifer knew best, even if Lucifer had to rebell and take over the kingdom himself. Now, Lucifer is a spirit of great persuasive abilities. In the book of Revelation we learn that a full third of the hosts of Heaven chose to follow him. That's quite an amazing number.

Of course, Heavenly Father could not stand idly by and let Lucifer destroy all He had vowed to preserve. Michael, the Arch Angel, rallied the faithful hosts of Heaven. Lucifer and his followers were cast out, not only losing their place in Heaven, but losing their opportunity to gain a mortal body of their own and progress on to immortality.

In Revelation 12:7-9 we read, "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon (Lucifer); and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him".

Christ himself, while speaking to his disciples, declared, "I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven". (See Luke 10:18) Through his rebellion Lucifer became Satan.

In retaliation, Lucifer vowed that he would do everything he could to destroy the Plan of Salvation Heavenly Father had established. He would apply his abilities of persuasion toward convincing anyone he could that there is no God; that belief in such a being as God is folly and foolishness. He would confuse anyone he could by telling them there is no sin; there is no right or wrong, no truth and error - everything is just a matter of opinion.

Isaiah saw in vision what happened at this council in Heaven. He expressed great grief for the choice Lucifer had made and cried, "How art thou fallen from Heaven, oh, Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?"

Yes, Lucifer's time is limited here upon this earth. He knows that he has lost his chance at eternal life and immortality. He knows that he will eventually be bound and cast out forever, but THAT'S NOT STOPPING HIM NOW! He and his followers are very dedicated to destroying OUR opportunities to inherit the Kingdom of God as well.

But Heavenly Father has kept his promise. He has sent his word forth among the children of men as he said he would. He has sent his angels, he has called prophets, and, yes, even spoken to the people of this earth by his own voice from time to time, saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him."

Aren't we so fortunate that Christ has kept his promise as well. He came to this earth as he said he would, followed the words and teachings of the Father, taught others to do the same, and most importantly, was willing to endure everything the Father asked of him - persecution, the suffering in Gethsemane where he atoned for our sins on condition of our repentance, and the pain of the cross where he conquered death and made possible the resurrection.

How is all this possible? Because Justice is not only a punisher for sin. Justice is a wonderful compensator for those who have not sinned. In return for never having sinned himself, but having to bear the burden of sin; in return for never having done anything worthy of death, and yet being put to death in the most horrid way imaginable by evil and conspiring men, Christ was able to present himself before the Father and say with honest heart, I have finished the work thou gavest me to do. And the Father was able to compensate him by placing in his care all the souls of the children of men. Christ is not just our mediator with the Father by appointment. It was a right he earned by making himself submissive to the Father's will.

Shortly after he came forth from the tomb, he appeared to a large number of his disciples telling them to go forth into all the world and make these things known to every creature. This is the gospel. Gospel means "good news". The "good news" is - The bands of sin and death are overcome, and, if we are willing to foresake our sins, we can live again with our Father in Heaven, JUST AS HE DOES! This is very important to take note of. Christ had only a spirit body in the pre-existence, just like the rest of us. His glorified, resurrected body is evidence that the Father's promise is sure. Just as Christ has been granted a crown of glory at the right hand of the Father, we can do the same!

Much is up to us now. We need to prove ourselves true and faithful to the Kingdom of God and to the cause of freedom. A great battle is still being waged for the hearts and minds of men and we know the victor will and must be Jesus Christ. The freedom and progression of all mankind depends upon this.

He has asked us to "let our light(s) so shine" so that people may see our good works, but that the glory should still go to the Father. It is my prayer that we may do just that - let our lights shine! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have never kept their lights hidden. They are both perfect examples of well applied agency. What greater freedom could be achieved. What greater use could it be put to. "This is my work and my glory;" he said, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

WE CAN DO THIS! God is merciful to all. He causes the sun to shine on the just as well as the unjust, and the rain to fall on the righteous as well as the sin stained soul. He never says to anyone, Depart from me, but always calls to them to come and be partakers of salvation.

He also set such a powerful example of righteousness for His son that Jesus has never forgotten it. Because of that example Jesus was motivated to rise up and set that same good example for us. "I do the things I have seen my Father do," he said. "COME, FOLLOW ME!"

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